-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 Jan & Feb 2022

Murder Mystery, Urban Fantasy, Fiction & RomComs

Happy March book lovers! It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating New Year’s, wow. Time does fly when you’re busy; I’ve proven that fact xD .  I hope the first few months of the year have been kind to you, and I can only wish the best for you during this month <3.

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 June & July Reads

Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Contemporary, Sci-Fi Romance, & Magical Realism

Happy August book lovers. I hope that the past few months have treated you well 🙂 I’m back with a double monthly wrap-up today and I can’t wait to share these amazing reads with you. I finished online classes last month so the past two weeks I’ve read a bunch 😀 So let’s get started with my Top 5 Reads of June & July…

-A.M. Aguilar

Book characters I’d love to be friends with!

Charming, Courageous and Inspiring Characters

I’ve always said that reading is like escaping this reality for a while. The amazing part is that in this new world we’re submerged in, we are not alone. We are surrounded by people with so many traits, abilities and personalities. They are from different time periods, cultures, or even different species. The book characters 😀 .

-A.M. Aguilar 

Top 5 August 2020

YA Fiction, Fantasy, High Fantasy and Biographies :0

August is over everyone! I feel like this month went by extremely fast. But August over means Fall is near and if you didn’t know, this season, along with Winter, is my favorite! 😀 I hope with all my heart that everything worked out excellently for all of you! Feel free to tell me down below how did you spent your month. Continue reading “Top 5 August 2020”

-A.M. Aguilar 

Top 5 July 2020

Science Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, and Young Adult Fiction

I can’t believe July is already over. We’re officially about to begin the 8th month of 2020. Wow! Can you believe it? This month actually felt like one of the longest so far. I hope you all had a beautiful month and that you remained doing the things you love the most. Feel free to tell me down below how did you spent your month 🙂 .

-A.M. Aguilar

Top 5 June 2020

Science Fiction, High Fantasy and Adventure Fiction  

June is already over, which means, we are halfway through the year! 2020 has definitely been a rollercoaster of events and feelings, but we have to hope things will get better and our world will heal. We have been growing a lot on instagram, (635 followers and counting :D, if you want to join the fam click here! ), and we have also been dealing with online classes. One more month and classes will be over. 

Continue reading “Top 5 June 2020”

-A.M. Aguilar

My 7 Best Fiction Reads of 2019

This past year, I had the chance of reading many wonderful books. I also reached my goal of reading 65 books! This year, 2020, I am rooting for 100 books 🙂 . Even if we are a few months into 2020 already, I had to share all this amazing books I discovered last year. All of this books are fiction books and I highly recommend each of them and their own sagas.

Continue reading “My 7 Best Fiction Reads of 2019”